
Distributed State Estimation for Linear Time-Varying Systems with Sensor Network Delays

Published in 2023 European Control Conference (ECC), 2023

Distributed sensor networks often include a multitude of sensors, each measuring parts of a process state space or observing the operations of a system. Communication of measurements between the sensor nodes and estimator(s) cannot realistically be considered delay-free due to communication errors and transmission latency in the channels. We propose a novel stability-based method that mitigates the influence of sensor network delays in distributed state …

Image Stabilization for Hololens Camera in Remote Collaboration

Published in Arxiv Preprint, 2023

With the advent of new technologies, Augmented Reality (AR) has become an effective tool in remote collaboration. Narrow field-of-view (FoV) and motion blur can offer an unpleasant experience with limited cognition for remote viewers of AR headsets. n this article, we propose a two-stage pipeline to tackle this issue and ensure a stable viewing experience with a larger FoV…

Published in , 1900

A Lyapunov Guidance Vector Field Based Continuous Curvature Path Generation for Waypoint Following of UAVs

Published in 2021 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), 2021

This paper generates a continuous curvature path for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to converge to a straight-line path using the Lyapunov Guidance Vector Field (LGVF) approach. Further, a waypoint following method that utilizes the straight line convergence algorithm along with a switching technique to transit between two consecutive waypoint segments to find a near time-optimal and smooth path has been presented …

Development of an RFID-Based Semi-autonomous Robotic Library Management System

Published in 2020 4th International Conference on Automation, Control and Robots (ICACR), 2020

A novel low-cost robotic solution is proposed to automate the library inventory management process of book arrangement with little to no human intervention. A line following robot with multiple sensors and actuators has been designed to operate on a path connecting bookshelves and the drop location. A CAD model for the robot is designed and various subsystems have been described in detail. The riser subsystem has been simulated to evaluate the design …

Multi-objective Bonobo Optimizer (MOBO): An intelligent heuristic for multi-criteria optimization

Published in Knowledge and Information Systems, 2020

Non-traditional optimization tools have proved their potential in solving various types of optimization problems.These problems deal with either single objective or multiple/many objectives. Bonobo Optimizer (BO) is an intelligent and adaptive metaheuristic optimization algorithm inspired from the social behavior and reproductive strategies of bonobos. There is no study in the literature to extend this BO to solve multi-objective optimization …