Aarohi - A robot for terrace farming



Aarohi is a lightweight and low-cost robot that can do the work of plowing, seeding, watering and harvesting considering the challenges faced in terrace farming. The robot is able to climb up and down the stairs of terrace farming of height upto 40 cm.

Mechanical Design

The main role of the manufacturing team was to build the robot as per the CAD design. We were granted access to the MN Faruqui Tinkering Lab which helped us a lot in manufacturing the scissor lift and other mechanisms. Aluminum extrusions were used for building a light weight Chassis.

Electronic Architecture

This robot had many things to actuate, specifically 9 Motors and 3 Linear Actuators. 1D Lidars, IMU and Camera were mounted on the robot for Accurate localization. This team worked on sensor fusion and building the embedded circuits required for the robot. The picture above shows the flow of information which was implemented using a combination of a local microprocessor and a remote server.

Software Architecture

A task based planner has been implemented which solves the problem statement using the concepts of Finite State Machine. To handle any mechanical instabilities of the robot we deployed several closed loop control algorithms like pitch and yaw control for stable operation.

TODO: Add images