Hola! Vanakkam!! Welcome to my webpage

About me

I am Siva Vignesh Krishnan Chidambaram, a graduate student currently pursuing the Robotics, Systems, and Control M.Sc at ETH Zurich. I completed my Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, with a minor in Mathematics and Computing.

My passion lies in pushing the boundaries of innovation, and I am actively seeking exciting opportunities in research and development within the realms of 3D Computer Vision and Robotics.


  • [Apr 2023] Successfully defended my Semester Thesis at Robotics Perception Group, University of Zurich
  • [Mar 2023] Started my internship at Astrivis Technologies in Zurich as a computer vision developer
  • [Oct 2023] Started my Semester Project at the Robotics Perception Group, University of Zurich, under Prof. Dr. Davide Scaramuzza, and in collaboration with SONY Research, Zurich, on the topic “High-Frequency scanning and depth estimation in Event-based Structured Light System”
  • [Oct 2023] Won the Incube Challenge 2022 organized by ETH Enterpreneur Club
  • [Sep 2023] Started working as a Research Assistant at IDSC Labs, D-MAVT, ETH Zurich, under Dr. Andreas Ritter
  • [Sep 2023] Started my position as the Control Module Lead at AMZ Racing for the season 2022-23
  • [Aug 2023] Won first place in Engineering Design event at Formula Student Germany 2022 as a part of AMZ Racing

Website – Work In Progress